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Qualification for the pros

                     Accès grande finale

                                  se qualifier sur l’une des courses
                                   du circuit challenge à travers le

                                        D’autres courses seront
                                      également qualificatives :

5 premiers hommes et                                 Top 3 des championnats
femmes des JO de Rio                                       du monde 70.3

                                                                             5 premiers hommes et femme
                                                                                       des JO de Rio

3 premiers du Ranking                                     Top 5 des
      mondial ITU                                    championnats du
                                                     monde IM à Kona

                       Les podiums des championnats
                               du monde LD ITU

             To access to this grand final, such as every championship, athletes will have to qualify on
             one of the races of the Challenge circuit throughout the world.
             This race will be the key for the Pros and amateurs looking for a grand final but it won’t
             be exclusively reserved to «challengers». Indeed, other races will be qualifying: the first
             5th males and females of the Olympic Games in Rio, the first 3 of the ITU world ranking,
             the podium of the long distance ITU world championships, the top 5 of the IM world
             championships in Kona, the top 3 of the 70.3 world championships.

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